The Three R’s: Rest Relax Reset

An important part of the Iyengar Yoga method is a “restorative” practice. It is usually conducted as the last class in a series. We’ve talked about the purpose of Savasana (corpse pose) the baking bread type process at the end of a yoga class. This allows the body time to imprint the lessons of the class into muscle memory so our practice can improve.
Restorative is a larger version of that concept. It is an INTERNAL process. The student is gently led through soft poses that stretch the body but quiet the mind. Keeping us fresh in the moment and open to what’s new just around the corner.
Restorative is like a vacation from life. You don’t stop eating or enjoying activities on a vacation but it is experienced in a different environment which is invigorating to the mind, breaking it out of behavioral patterns. Patterns can be good to keep us on track but too much structure can dull creativity, making us rigid with the same old expectations.
Refresh yourself
Rest your body and mind
Relax away from the same old daily patterns
Reset your expectations for how a day can unfold
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